03 August 2017

Unreadable FONT in Chrome on Android Stack Exchange Forum or other Websites (Windows 10) – Solved

Having problems with unreadable fonts in google’s Chrome browser? Why do they use that font i don’t know. But other website do that too.
In Firefox works well, but in Chrome is destroying the eye...

So, aftear reading the article from end of post (it is from a linux user) they said a font conflict is the issue. The font in cause is ROBOTO. It suppose to work well with Roboto-Medium or Roboto-Regular, not with light or thin variants.

I tried the simplest thing. Went in windows/fonts and removed Roboto font family. 

You can check my other post relating to font managers if you need that too HERE - Best Free Font Manager

Without restarting my computer, but unfortunately i had to close all chrome windows, it shows well now. So that was the problem.

When i will need that font again i will reinstall it and delete it only when needed again. It is kind of a pain because i work in graphic design but that’s it.

Here is  the answer that helped me to do that (there they talk about linux but the principle works in windows too):

If you see well this website in chrome then you haven't got issues with that font... you lucky... :-))

You can vote that post also on steemit and follow me there too.

Level of knowledge: 1/5
1 = normal user/beginner user
5 = it guy, webmaster, or whatever your best knowledge is in computer handling (not to carry them :-) )
2,3,4 = intermediate users (between browsing and opening a media player, until the ones who can play around with windows and programs that runs "in" it, like office, graphics or other software)

I will make a funny but accurate legend for every kind of user.
This is just a small guide to know how hard or easy it is to solve the problems (1 to 5 is enough to differentiate the difficulty level of users, 10 were too much, right?).

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