Here we go with another photo journey - black and white / dogs.
You can read this post also on steemit:
From my almost 9 year journey through photography, i've learned so much and changed a few times what i like to shoot.
Anywhere i'll go i like to catch moments of life, trough my eyes and finally through my lens.
People, animals, nature, abstract and all the things that can have a place in our memory. They can be a lot, but few of them can make that moment more attractive to remember. Just giving a clue for what you lived can be a challenge to the mind to be there again.
Also, sport photography made me feel that i give to others some beautiful moments over the years. Maybe someday i will post some of them here... till then, i go with all other worlds.
BLACK and WHITE world
Today, i will post some shots with a dog i love from a friends place where i go often.
It is an old lady dog, that is so... puffy that can barely move.
Every step she make is like a dance move from all of the body. She dance at every step she take. She stops, take a look around to people there, take a breath and move on.
She has few moments when she is decided what to do. Maybe she just want some activity or just have attention from us, to feel loved and caressed.
Yes, she have a lot of attention from so many people coming there day by day. Some fear that she will bite them, but many just want to tickle and play with her.
The lady have its places where she stay among us when we talk and joke and when comes the moments of meals she is there dancing and yelping around with sharp sounds.
When i bring her some bones, bit of cheese and some milk she is so excited... hehe. She knows when i bring her from distance now and si is making circles, jumping and running around till i put them down.
I managed to make her listen to simple commands to not get over my hand when i arrange it there. She waits, look at me then at food and she is preparing like at a running contest to go and eat it, hehe.
I managed to make her listen to simple commands to not get over my hand when i arrange it there. She waits, look at me then at food and she is preparing like at a running contest to go and eat it, hehe.
From what i know until now, she fears only of water from unknown reasons. So when the time comes, it is needed for 2-3 people to hold her.
And she wanted to show you that she
knows how to RAP!!! o yeaaa
But most of the time she lays around and have big time meditation. Sometimes looking at us, other times fighting with flies or tiny animals on the ground or just sleeping.
Well, that's the short story of my favorite dog.
One last photo with an intense moment of watching some "enemies" around her.

Have you got that kind of photos in your library? Of course you do. Pets are the most photographed thing in the world. After kids of course.
Try a simple collage or just be creative! You won't regret the feeling at the end.
Leave your comment and invite me to come to see yours too. I love challenges and would love to see some things you do.
For this post, it is BLACK and WHITE challenge ;-)
I use a dslr camera with a tele lens, but it doesn't matter. I have so many photos made by phone that, i will post some of them too in the future. So, it doesn' matter what equipment you have.
I made a long photo-video course at a well-known television in my country and at the beginning all i had was an iphone 4... And with that one i made my first month photos, so...
TIP: Camera BRAND doesn't matter!!!
All brands do the same thing. Taking pictures from what you see. Do not lose in the technical details if you like to shoot. Just shoot with what you have. Period. Do not postpone, because that moment will not come back.
I usually shoot in raw, if i don't use a phone or a compact camera.
Just go and do some photos now! And get back with an invite to see yours too!
You can see them on my blog and also 500px too: Animals - Photos by ilv photo / 500px
See other links at the end of post.
Till next time,
Cheers and good steemit time! (if you read it on steemit, if not go check out my posts there, links below)
All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners.
pictures source: ilvphoto and related websites quoted above
collages or screenshots: @ilvstranger
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You can also see photos here
My PHOTO Journey #3 - BLACK and WHITE / Dogs — SteemitPORTFOLIO:
twitter: @ilvstranger @ilvstranger
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