This is another soft i use from some years and i am very satisfied with it.
It has a lot of functions that can help us to identify the quality of an image.
You can quickly see image filename, location, type, size (units), resolution, attributes, print size, dpi, EXIF, Histogram, jpg comment
It is a very flexible program that allow us to do many things.
It uses less resources and don't load any craps into memory.
It has a menu in every side of the screen. Just reach with the mouse at the end of the screen (up, down, left or right) and it will appear that menu. When move the mouse away it dissapear.
This was the first thing that made me love it's easy use.
Next in it's menu we can find:
- batch convert or rename
- screen capture
- remove metadata from files
- shortcut for editing with external programs
- copy or move to folder directly from context menu
- print, email
- rotate, resize, resample, crop board and draw board (last to let us to cut picture or to draw on it)
- dual monitor configurations
- and not last the effects we can apply to that picture
- enhance colors, sharpen, blur, count colors
- grayscale, sepia or negative
- border effects, drop shadow, frame mask, obscure (some automatic blur), bump map, edge detect, lens, morph, red eye removal.
You can customize its layout, themes and look.
It can compare photos, make slideshows, tag files (you can search after tags then), favorites, cahce thumbnails for easy later use.
You can also scan files directly from your scanner.
It has a normal version and a portable one. Use as you wish, from your stick or installing it localy.
Some screens from menus:
Compatible: Windows All
Size: 4.8 MB - normal
Size: 5.1 MB - portable
Note: 5/5
Licence: free for personal use (for commercial use you must read on developers page)
Faststone Image Viewer
installer kit
Portable FastStone Image Viewer
portable kit
or go to author's page
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